Seeker Magazine

Three Poems

by Cher L

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A visitor,
in this thing,
we call life,
I am.

This is not my Home.
I have not yet been Home.

But my stay here,
has, so far,
proven to be filled,
with wonder.

I take in the sights,
I learn.
I touch the pyramids
built of souls,
and remember each,
as I move on.

I breathe the music,
I drink the love,
I shutter in the storms.
I rise. I fall.

And as I travel,
I collect
a single pebble,
from each part
of my journey.

a symbol,
of who I am,
where I've been.

The pebbles
will pave my way Home,
In Time.

when I have seen
all I need to see,
Touch all whom
I am meant to touch ...

I'll collect that last pebble ...

Place it down ...

And head home.

Until that time,
I plan to make the most
of my visit ...
Here, in life.


I lay there,
no sight,
no sound.

I could not move,
nor speak.
Not a whisper,
or scream.

Air was fading,
and nothingness,
was devouring me.

The only motion upon me,
was that of
the last tear,
much too slowly,
down my cheek.

My heart,
began to pray,
'Take me fast'

There was no fear,
There was nothing.

Only my heart,
silently speaking,
to whoever,
or whatever,
would listen.

~~Please, be God.~~

Then it happened.

A Jolt,
a plunge.

And a gust of cool air
raced into my lungs.

I could hear my own gasp.
And as life became
stronger then death...

I felt sick, tired.
But I felt.

And I felt ...

~~Why don't you want me God?~~

won the battle,
and sleep,
I did.


Many sleeps
have come and gone
And I still breathe.
At times,
in nothingness,
but I breathe,

It took so long for me
to hear the answer.

You see,
It's not that God didn't want me,
on the contrary ... he did.

He wanted me... Here.
He still wants me ... Here.
For Now.

Journey To Paradise

It begins with a single step.
A heartbeat,
leading into the moment
of 'onward.'

Roads twist,
light comes and goes,
While the unknown taunts you.

But forward we move.

And each step,
leaves a step behind,
gains a memory.

Passing incidents
leave only reflections,
As thoughts of
the 'yet to be,'
devour each corner of hope.

And still, we go on.

Time moves fast,
or stands still.

And complacent
takes a stance,
here and there
and along the way.

Eyes close, Don't look.

creates a shield,
and truth
breaks through it.

And Yes,
eyes open again.

To look ahead ... again!

Thus, the journey continues,
accompanied by all
the consuming.

Rest the fear
on the ground
behind you,

Go Forward.

Paradise awaits.

Poems Copyright 2003 by Cher L. (No reproduction without express permission from the author)

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Letter to the Author: Cher L. at